Twenty six professional medical specialists in different fields,  in honorary capacity,  provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative services not only to Amar Jyoti school children in the premises but also patients from the communities and people from economically weaker sections of the society free of cost or at subsidized rates.

These include Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Departments, Speech Therapy and Audiology Unit, Prosthetic and Orthotic Workshop which provides and repairs assistive devices for Amar Jyoti school children as well as other beneficiaries, Dental Care Unit, Ophthalmologic Care unit, X-Ray Unit, Pathology Laboratory, Operation Theatre, Homeopathy, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity and Dietary Clinic etc.


The following are the services provided:                                                      

Child Guidance Clinic  

Child Guidance Clinic provides the following services: 


  • Guide and counsel parents having children with disabilities about their specific needs, start intervention for enhancing their learning potentials
  • Assess the intellectual potential of children facing behavioural and achievement problems
  • Orient and involve parents for early identification and early intervention 
  • Organize psychometric assessments
  • Undertake research 


Early Intervention Programme

Early Intervention Programme (EIP) is the stepping-stone for providing services for developmentally delayed infants and children. The above activities have resulted in setting up of independent parent support groups like Swavlamban and Aradhna.

List of Beneficiaries for Pre School & Early Intervention 2015-16 


 Prosthetics & Orthotics 

Persons with disabilities are provided required artificial limbs and other rehabilitation aids and appliances to prevent the impairment leading to disability and to make them near-normal and to carry on their activities for daily living. These are provided under the ADIP Scheme of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. The Government provides financial assistance to give mobility aids to persons with disabilities in camps and at our workshop. 


 List of beneficiaries assisted by Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust under the scheme of assistance to physically handicapped for purchase/fitting of aids / appliances to be furnished to Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.


In addition, for children below 18 years of age, Amar Jyoti gets support from ALTSO (A Leg to Stand On), USA for giving assistive devices only to the beneficiaries with locomotor challenges.   

 Some individual philanthropists also sponsor camps for distribution of aids and appliances.



The department which is well equipped with most modalities  like IFT, Laser, Ultrasound, etc. for patient care treats almost 11,000 patients a year.     


Occupational Therapy 

The department plays a vital role in making each child independent in fine motor, sensory integrative and pre-vocational skills. 

Adaptation, modification and exercise are designed to enhance independent performance of self-help skills. Follow-up is maintained through regular parents - therapists meetings and a customized home programme.  


Audiology and Speech Therapy  

Amar Jyoti has a sound-proof, well equipped Audiology and Speech Pathology unit at both Delhi and Gwalior campuses. Services are provided to children and adults with speech and hearing disorders. 

Amar Jyoti Rehabilitation and Research Centre

(Under Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of NCT Delhi)


As per the Government orders, Amar Jyoti Rehabilitation and Research Centre provides the following :

i)   Free OPD services are given to 25% EWS and BPL category patients.

ii)  Monitoring Committee regularly visits the institute.